Zucchero: a charity auction for Japan on Ebay

After the release of the Songs For Japan compilation (#1 on iTunes for several weeks) Universal Music keeps on collecting funds to help Red Cross in aid of the victims of the earthquake that recently struck Japan. Universal Music artists all over the world are giving their personal contribution to the cause by a series of charity auctions held on Ebay. Starting tomorrow you may find the contibution of three major italian pop stars on the Universal Music Store on Ebay : Zucchero, Franco Battiato and Jovanotti.
Starting tomorrow Zucchero will give his precious help offering a week long holiday for two persons at his private beach resort ECO DEL MARE in Lerici, by the Golfo dei Poeti (Gulf of the poets) in Liguria. The auction will start tomorrow…

2 Commenti

I commenti sono chiusi.

  1. Leda 14 anni fa


  2. Ivan 14 anni fa

    Complimenti a Zucchero, Jovanotti e Battiato!

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